Sunday, 24 March 2013

Tomato plants (Alicante)
Whilst outside is a freezing -1c during the day these little beauties are enjoying their underfloor heating which is at a constant temperature of around 14c.  Happy little bunnies that they are tho' it wouldn't take much to under or over water them even at this stage in their lives.  I leave the radio on sometimes (mainly 70's if possible it's the best up beat music for these little darlings) and even if I never see them dance along you will certainly catch me boogieing.   All told a very happy greenhouse with exception to the cold outside and  it  looks like this will their home well into April.
Cucumber plants (telegraph improved)
A favourite vegetable of mine all told.  This little guy is about 2 weeks old.  You cannot believe that it will produce around 10 or more 12-18inch long succulent fruits within just a few months and continue well up to the first frosts of the autumn.   You just can't beat home grown for flavour. So roll on the summer months.   And don't forget, as bad as the weather is right now there is always sunshine behind those clouds.

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