Well finally with the warm weather we've got quite a lot of veg growing outside as you can see from the picture below, Cabbage, Cauliflowers, Broccoli, Peas, Broad Beans, Onions
and as our backs can testify several hundred tatties !!
Inside the Polytunnels the salads are growing like mad.....lucky us ;-)
and the Cucumbers are in their new home and seem to be thriving - in previous years they've not liked being moved and taken a good 10 days or so to settle in
and there are some tiny cucumbers on the plants already as hopefully you can see in the picture below - at this rate we'll have some ready by the end of June and if they are half as good as previous years everyone will love them again
The Tomatoes too are settling in
and as you can see on the left we've got some fruit which again hopefully will be ready in the not too distant future
For those of you who grow your own tomatoes we picked up this deep root watering system idea recently - watering is one thing which causes problems with Tomatoes so the idea is that the drainpipe enables water to get to the roots of the plant - all you need to do is 'dig' a hole place a length of drainpipe around a foot or so with 1/2 inch holes drilled in it where it will be below the surface - you can then fill it when watering with a hose or watering can - it will be interesting to see how this works this year